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Year 2002

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Dec 22nd 2002 at 12:38:47 PM
NAME :  Mike Byrne
Merry Christmas to one and all.
Thank you Eugene for your inexhaustible energy (Hi Zelda too).
Thank you Paul for the website.
Thank you Peter for the book.
Thank you to the old Priorians I have met at the Bishop's Waltham and St Boswells reunions
(and their VERY patient other halves).
Being a headteacher I'm just about to enter my Christmas mental and physical collapse.
If I see another angel I'll smash his face in. The rest of you.......enjoy your Christmas.

Best wishes,Mike Byrne

Dec 22nd 2002 at 12:29:25 PM
NAME :  Paul West
Thank you, once again, for your patience - I haven't been able to work on the website since
mid-October and have only just today stopped work for the Christmas break.

During the coming weeks I will add the excellent set of photos from Peter McComiskey
(Priory 1950-54) to the Gallery section. This will be followed by some of Ebby's paintings
which Peter has lent me. I also have photos from John Fowles to process and some
fascinating material from John Mattock. And this is not to forget magazines etc that
have been sent to me by so many people. Plenty enough to be getting on with,
in other words - and a great deal of interesting items for you to see.

Very best wishes to you all for a very happy Christmas.

Dec 21st 2002 at 04:34:44 AM
NAME :  Patrick Gibbons
Happy Christmas and a prosperous and healthy New Year to all Pelicans

Dec 14th 2002 at 03:18:08 PM
NAME : Chris Benton, Merseyside
Best wishes to all Pelicans and families for Christmas and New Year        

Dec 11th 2002 at 06:06:48 AM
NAME : John Mattock,Coventry
At last a reply!
Thank you Paul for your introduction.I have posted a selection of photograghs and postcards
of St Columbas to add to the Gallery collection .Was it really forty years ago?and would you
believe I have that record David Walker has been after all these years.

David, if you contact me,I will arrange for you to borrow it. I also have the Vatican newspaper
printed the day of the Papal Mass.      

Nov 14th 2002 at 12:36:51 PM
NAME : Paul West
Do you remember John Mattock - originally from the Coventry area? He has been in touch
and asks to be remembered to all his old friends, such as David Walker and Paul Maggiore
(from Sunderland). John has many fond memories of his days at St Columba's and the year
he spent at The Priory.

One of the highlights for him was the trip to Rome with "The Little Singers of the Celtic Cross".
(see Page 2 of the Histories section - which includes a photo).

John will be sending his own message and contact details soon, via his son - who came across
our website while searching for accommodation in the St Boswell's area.  

Nov 10th 2002 at 06:31:12 AM
NAME : Pat Tetlow
St Helens
Can you please give me any information if any of a scheme whereby you donate money for a child in
Africa for 12 months and can also name the child. Thank you.

Nov 8th 2002 at 01:59:22 AM
NAME : Paul West
Peter Finn sent me this news recently but I have only just been able to relay it to you all:

". . . The Pope has appointed fellow Pelican, Bishop Michael Fitzgerald (left) , as head of the Pontifical
Council for Interreligious Dialogue. The Holy Father has also raised him to the rank of archbishop.
It is probable that Archbishop Fitzgerald will become a cardinal at the next consistory.

Michael Fitzgerald was a student at the Priory 1950-54, then at Broome Hall, Blacklion, 'sHeerenberg
and Carthage. He was ordained as a White Father in 1961. He has been secretary of the Council
for Interreligious Dialogue since 1987, and was consecrated bishop in 1992."

Thanks, Peter, once again. (You'll just have to update your alumni section, I'm afraid!)

PS I will be back as soon as time allows with a wonderful set of 29 photos from Peter McComiskey -
all scanned but not quite ready yet.


Nov 8th 2002 at 01:42:04 AM
NAME : Paul West
I was pleased to hear from Billy Tonner this week but I do not feel qualified to answer his query.
Can anyone help? I presume that Billy is he person who attended The Priory in 1965.

His address is

Billy wrote: "I've picked up this address while looking through the internet. Much of the information on this site
seems a bit odd to me, for example it is listed as being in Peebleshire while it was in Roxburghshire.
Can you confirm that it is the site of St Columba's College, the White Fathers' borders hideaway until
it burned down in 1963?


Billy Tonner"

Nov 2nd 2002 at 01:26:16 AM
NAME : Michael Gallagher, Donegal, Ireland
Greetings to all those who along with myself were standing outside St Columbas on the morning
of the fire at around this time 39 years ago(!!) today.

Oct 11th 2002 at 09:53:34 AM
NAME : Robbie Dempsey
Hi folks,

I've been mesmerized by photo number 83a ! I've tried image processing on it !

There are NO reflections because the text is the right way round. Is it a double exposure or a double print with one top right corner bent over or torn ?

See telephone box at the right and top of the pole. From the sunlight, etc, I believe photo A was taken probably in spring 1963. It shows the 2 lads having a picnic by the telephone box
and the signpost for Marlbank (a viewing point over Lough Macnean). (The telephone box is mentioned on the web So the box is red and in the North - not cream and yellow with Irish script, in Blacklion?

The image of the guy in the telephone box is NOT wearing glasses: that's a branch across his face.

In photo B one of the guys is different - see jacket - they are in front of a Fire Stn. But where is it? There was one at Dowra?

Where did this group set out for that day? And what town did they end up in? The last word on the
sign I take to be 'Learga' (needs a capital letter before the small e, and this was a Barony
in Fermanagh-Leitrim). The Irish sign COULD have been left in place from the old days.

I believe it says "An Briogaid Toiteain Learga" which expands on what it says on the English notice: Fire Brigade.

The last word doesn't mean State or Service. It's the location ??

Ps. Bernard Melling, I've made all this up.

Oct 7th 2002 at 06:29:42 AM
NAME : Peter Finn
Paul - You are doing a fantastic job with the website. You are obviously putting a staggering
amount of time and effort into it for a guy who has a business to run. You have produced
an amazing amount of easily accessed information in a very short time. I am sure everybody
who uses the site must appreciate your commitment and expertise. Thanks from all us users.

Oct 2nd 2002 at 07:36:08 PM
NAME : Peter Collyer, Adelaide, Sth Australia
Paul - thanks again. I have rechecked & all is updated, except one photo I missed in my last message:-

Page 38 - 3rd photo from the top (2nd up from bottom of the page)

Underneath can now read:-
Fr Paul Wiseman, Bill Robinson, Francis Davis, Louis Fitzmaurice, Ed (Hank) Hughes, John Baker, Des Grimley & Jim McEvoy.

Thanks Paul - Peter Collyer. Downunder.

Oct 2nd 2002 at 01:40:32 PM
NAME : Estelle Geddes (nee O'Keeffe) (Through my brother in Canada who was contacted by Patrick McHale)
Edinburgh originally but now in Auckland New Zealand
I'm a niece of Fathers Hugh, Patrick and Gerald Monaghan. I really appreciated
the obituary for Father Hugh (left) which was different from the one in the magazine
but together they described Uncle Hugh very well!

My mother is here in New Zealand. She is Father Gerald Monaghan's twin sister.
Is there any information available about Father Gerald and his all too brief time
with the White Fathers? I know this is something she would really appreciate,
particularly as her memory is quite confused now.

Sep 29th 2002 at 01:58:13 AM
NAME : Kenny Green (from Danny O'Hagan —we both now live in sunny Thurso)!
Originally from Old Kilpatrick nr Glasgow
Its just great to see so many forgotten faces. Particularly, I would love to hear from Fr Richard Sloan
and Eilert Eilertson and anyone else who was at Danby Hall - what great memories!

I see Danny O'Hagan regularly and it was Danny who put me on to this site.

Sep 27th 2002 at 01:46:51 AM
NAME : Peter Collyer, Adelaide Sth Australia
Paul - I have discovered that a fellow Parishioner here in Adelaide, Vincent Breen, is the older
brother of Philip who was at The Priory in 1947 - Philip must have left just before I arrived in
the Aug/Sept - small world!

I have gone thro' Gallery photos on pages 35-38 again in the light of names listed at the back of
your History of The Priory & can offer the following additions:-

Page 35:- Under the Verandah at Broome Hall

Between Dominic Lavy & Adrian Hastings is Patrick O'Hare

Page 36:- In Staff photo at Broome Hall, Fr Geddes Gerry

Galleydown Picnic 1948 at below right plse correct to Fr Cornelius O'Sullivan

Page 37:- In Community photo at Broome Hall 1948/49
Below James McEvoy to the right is Patrick O'Hare (not Joe Reilly) Below Adrian Smith to the right is
Edward (Hank) Hughes

Page 38:- Top photo - In the Quad 1948
from left - Fr Paul Wiseman, William Robinson, Francis Davis, Louis Fitzmaurice, Ed (Hank) Hughes,
John Baker, Des Grimley, Jim McEvoy.

After that my memory can't go any further, I'm afraid!

Best wishes - Peter Collyer, Adelaide.

Sep 17th 2002 at 11:16:23 AM
NAME :  Danny O'Hagan (after telephone call with Pat Rice)
Amazed at how the memories came flooding back after looking at some of the old photos.
I've a few myself I'll try and look out.

Five friends and a wedding. (L-R) : Martin Leonard, Pat Rice, Chris McGuire, Danny O'Hagan (the groom) and Manus McGuire

I've been living in Thurso (north of Scotland) for the past 30yrs almost. (they haven't lifted the
deportation order yet). I keep in touch with Andy Mooney and Martin Leonard whenever I venture
south and have contact too with Chris McGuire (and Manus) as well as Bernie Aherne in Broadstairs.

I've worked in Social Work until I retired (early) and now spend more time on the golf course and playing
the guitar as badly as ever but then if Fr Fitzgerald hadn't confined me and a few others to barracks in
the Priory for smoking and Fitzie hadn't lent me his guitar to learn at the time then I might have been
doing something more useful. My kids think so anyway as they had to listen to me over the years
-nobody else would.

I'd love to hear from some old friends and if anyone happens to be passing through Thurso,
(its on the road to perdition), then look me up. I'm ususally in the pub next door with a few fiddler
and piping friends for a musical session on a Wednesday night.

Sep 12th 2002 at 05:20:18 AM
Eric Creaney
Fr. Patrick Shanahan (Albert) will be making an appeal at St. Bride's Bothwell weekend 21/22 Sept. and at
Our Lady & St. Joseph's Glenboig weekend 28/29 He will be visiting 7 Secondary schools with me over that time.

We would love to see anyone who can make it there to hear him.

For further details call 01236 422751

Sep 11th 2002 at 01:48:16 PM
NAME : Paul West
Dear Paul Farrell

Thank you very much for the photos - received 2 days ago and very welcome. I hope to have them
installed on the website some time next week. Have you got an email address?

Sep 11th 2002 at 02:44:23 AM
NAME : Charlie Savage
I received a call from Jim McKinlay and he gave me the web site address.
I am originally from Castlemilk, Glasgow, Scotland.
I was at St. Boswells and then the Priory in the early thru mid 1960's. I immigrated to the US in 1966.
I now live in Florida. I have a lot of fond memories of my time with the White Fathers. It would be good
to catch up with everyone again after all these years.

Sept 8th 2002 at 11:11:11 AM
NAME : Gerard Hamilton (through my grand daughter)
Leeds originaly from Liverpool
I was at St.Columbas in 1949/50 head boy for that year, moved to the Priory after the
Holy Year Pilgrimage to Rome with Fr. Andrew Murphy.

After 2 years at The Priory Fr. Moran thought I should have a change of career, wise words,
not appreciated at the time.

Have many fond memories and visiting the web-site brought it all back.

To read that Jarlath Hynes and Jimmie Johnston had passed on was very sad they were
two wonderful boys, full of fun and mischief.

The photographs in the 'Gallery' brought back many memories and I have submitted a few to
add to the picture. Where is Raymond Donoghue? he was my closest friend along wih
Bill Sullivan,Tommy Hennessy and Walter Perry

I would love to meet up with these boys again and look forward to news of the next re-union.


Sep 6th 2002 at 04:19:48 AM
NAME : Gerry Hamilton
I joined St Columbas in September 1949. I was the Head boy for that year and after The Holy
Year Pilgrimage to Rome I went to the Priory. A chap called Morrissey was the Head boy and
I remember the Geraghty brothers and a chap called Menzies (pronounced Mingus).

Raymond Donoghue was my closest ally and also James Johnston, who sadly has passed on.

I played football for the 1st eleven at age 14 and can remember a match against Bitterne School in Southampton.

The Priests I remember were Fr. Andrew Murphy, Fr. Sherry, Fr. Boyd - all at St.Boswells together with
Br.David (rabbit soup and potted meat) and Br.Dunstan (hands like shovels).

At The Priory, Frs Tolmie, Duffy, Sullivan and Monaghan, with Bro Patrick. Fr. Moran was the Principal.

I came from Liverpool but have lived in Yorkshire for 30+years and have had a successful career in banking.

I would love to meet some of my old friends - particularly Raymond Donoghue, Water Perry, Flop Phillips,
Bill Sullivan and anyone from '49' who remembers me.

Cheers and GodBless
Gerard Hamilton (Ged or Gerry)

Sep 5th 2002 at 03:31:11 AM
Michael Gallagher (WF Sutton Coldfield told me about the website)
It is a good idea that St Columbas, the Priory and St John's College are registered with Friends Reuinited.
I have registered under the 3 places - would it also be an idea to register Danby Hall?

Keep up the good work on the website

Sep 2nd 2002 at 08:49:53 AM
NAME : Michael Butterworth (via Friends Reunited)
Would welcome any contact from friends made at St Columba's in the early 60's. Does anyone remember me?

Aug 28th 2002 at 12:34:50 PM
NAME : Paul West
We now have The Priory and St Columba's registered with -- so that we can draw
in more old faces who don't not know about the Pelicans' site. You may therefore wish to leave your name or
a message on the "friendsreunited" website so that people can get in touch.

: do you still attend a church that used to be run by the White Fathers? If so, would you consider letting
fellow parishioners know about our website? Some of them might be in touch with ex-WF students (etc)
and pass the word on.

I'd also be very grateful if you could think of other ways of increasing the number of visitors that we get to
this site. For my part, I promise to get some more material posted up as soon as possible . . .

Many thanks, Paul

Aug 26th 2002 at 04:59:37 AM
NAME : Jim McKinlay (via Friends Reunited)
Originally from Larbert in Stirlingshire, now in Surrey
I was at St Columba's from 1960 - 61 and then The Priory until 1964. I enjoyed the Gallery and the
memories it brought back.

Aug 25th 2002 at 03:21:51 PM
NAME : Dr Mike Cooper (Frequent visitor! )
Stoke Prior, Worcestershire
Just a brief note to let you know my change of address. The site continues to be interesting and
I have received a number of emails from former St Columbans.

Well done to all concerned with the website.

Aug 20th 2002 at 02:47:47 PM
NAME : Brian Foley (from telephone conversation with Paul West )
Originally, Armadale, West Lothian (hub of the universe). Currently, Perth
The photo on P22 of the Gallery which has my name beside John Corcoran is an error. I left in 1956. I am not sure who it is.

(Thanks Brian - I corrected the mistake. Mike Mearns tells me that the person is Joe Foley from Cumberland)

Aug 4th 2002 at 02:34:42 PM
Paul Farrell (heard about the website from Peter Finn)
According to Peter Finn's marvellous bible, I was at The Priory from 1947 to 1952 and then spent a year
and a bit at Broome Hall. The White Fathers magazine gave me details of Peter's wonderful book on
The Priory and I was suitably shocked to find Peter at the end of the telephone when I ordered a copy.

I am retired now of course and living on a smallholding in Devon. My memory for names has never been
good, but it has been great to browse the website and recognise some names and faces from all those
years ago. Hope to keep in touch.

Jul 14th 2002 at 11:37:38 AM


Jun 13th 2002 at 02:09:05 PM
Tom Canning (heard about you from the White Fathers Magazine)
Oakley Fife Scotland
To anyone who remembers me when I was at BH in 1967,and Hello to everyone who doesn't.
Can anyone tell me the where abouts of Fr. Don Anderson and his e-mail address.
I would be grateful to anyone who can assist.

Thank you

May 22nd 2002 at 09:53:44 AM
NAME : Robbie Dempsey
Ex-Priorian spends great morning in Winchester.

The Priory Inn still stands at the bottom of Victoria Rd. It has a nice new swinging pub sign showing
2 monks obviously breaking their vows of silence before a medieval monastery. From nearby, I took
the usual No. 69 bus to Winchester. 3 quid please.

Soon, I was at that granite plinth with bronze statue. King Alfred invited 3 monks from Ireland to establish
a seat of learning for the ignorant Brits. (Ref: Part 2, Life of King Alfred, by Asser).

You can read about this in The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, the first English newspaper. In fact, two of them
had been expelled from a seminary. One was a trainee builder and the other a young brewer. This
explains why half of Winchester is falling down, that the Cathedral is always being patched up,
and you can still get King Alfred's Hampshire Bitter.

The third guy had a one-hit wonder with "St. Patrick's Breastplate". In fact, ex-Priorians sang that one in
Bishop's Waltham Church last Saturday. Alf said: "Gee, that's great !"

Once in Hampshire the three saintly-scholars were forever exclaiming: "Isn't this great, lads ?"
Hence, Alfred became known as "The GREAT".

As far as I know these lads are still alive and well somewhere in the UK. Meanwhile, Alfred took his team off
to play Denmark and Sweden in the Viking Cup Final and to confront an army of pagans. And I walked via
the River Itchen round the Cathedral and up St. George's Street.
I came across the Winchester Bookshop where from the 'Philosophy' section I chose "How to become a
ventriloquist" by Edgar Bergan ! Or, as I said to the bookseller, how to talk rubbish out the side of your mouth.

And there's Jane Austen's house. She wasn't in. Great !

Anyway, later I took the train to Bournemouth and a pleasant flight home to Dublin. The May sunshine came out
and the sky turned blue over the Channel as I headed away into ahorrible sky over the Irish sea. Just great

May 7th 2002 at 08:51:04 AM
Paul West
Dear Gus

Great to hear from you. Have you got an address that we can use?

May 6th 2002 at 07:16:57 AM
NAME : Michael (GUS) McBride
I was at St Columbas 1951-54 and the Priory 1954-57, my son typed this for me as i have no idea about computers.

Apr 4th 2002 at 11:29:11 AM
NAME : Paul West
Sorry - we went off air for a short while I cleared up a mistake I had made . . . all part of setting up this
new Message Board, which I hope is slightly friendlier than the previous Guestbook.

Please use this new facility as much as you want - whether you are saying hello for the first time, want
to send out a message to people that you'd like to contact, or WHATEVER.

Use it as you want to! I'm removing the unused 'chat room' facility and hope that this Message Board
will be a useful substitute.

Mar 28th 2002 at 05:14:39 PM
NAME : Robbie Dempsey
Today, Maundy Thursday, as all was quiet on the run up to Easter I went to visit Brother Paddy in
St. James's Hospital (beside Guinness's). The Hospital is enormous and the Medical Schools are
associated with Trinity College Dublin. All the nurses now do an academic 4 year training course
whatever about time spent in the ward.

Anyway, I can happily confirm that Bro. Paddy is back on his feet ! He is in good form especially
as I witnessed him walking up and down the short ward - just the once with a frame and three nurses.
A crucial five minute exercise. Not an easy task I might add because he has to learn to walk again,
having spent MONTHS in bed. He has also suffered with double pneumonia.

We had a long chat about names long since forgotten by me. And he recounted his time at the Priory.
He also talked of 'silage' and 'artificial insemination' which he is proud - for the White Fathers -
to have introduced, along with farming co-ops, in and around County Cavan.

Soon, he shall be walking up and down the corridor - and within about 10 days he should walk out the
FRONT door ! He expects to be driving again in six months. Last year he clocked up nearly 20k miles.
I gave him best wishes from all the Pelicans and he says he will pray for all of us this coming Easter.

Happy Easter to all.

Mar 25th 2002 at 11:48:06 AM
Tommy McKeith (heard about this website from Pat Gritton)
Clydebank, Scotland
I attended St. Columba's from 1961-63 and then the Priory in 1964 and 1965. It's been great finding
this site. Many fond memories. The pictures are wonderful.

Thank you all.

Mar 25th 2002 at 09:23:19 AM
NAME : Dr Michael Cooper (came across you by accident )
Originally, Birmingham
It was very interesting to see so many of the old faces from St Columba's. I was there during the fire of 63
and then onto Danby Hall. I have some good memories of these two beautiful locations but as John Macdonald
acknowledges, we should not see things from too rosy a perspective: the WFs have a number of skeletons
in their closet which are only just being recognised elsewhere in the Catholic Church.

Mar 24th 2002 at 09:36:37 PM
NAME : John Macdonald (heard about you from a friend)
Glasgow, Scotland, but I now live in Sydney, Australia

What is the Title of your Web Site ?: 
Men's Health Information and Resource Centre

A Description of your Web Site:  A positive view of men

I was a student at St Boswells and the Priory, a novice at Broome Hall,then Ottawa and ordained 1968;
10 years in Zambia. Left there and the priesthood and taught at Manchester and Bristol Unis and am now
Professor of Primary Health Care at the university of Western Sydney, Australia.

I have fond memories of the White Father years but feel there is a danger we risk to embrace too rosy view
of the old days. I reckon we should love the old days, warts and all, acknowledge the warts; but maybe
no one else sees that . . . . .

Happy Easter
John Macdonald

Mar 21st 2002 at 02:40:01 AM
NAME : Paul West
Just recently our Guestbook service was suspended because the provider's worldwide network was
infected by a virus. This has now been completely resolved BUT our website COUNTER now seems
to have been affected by the distant sighting of the Spring to come. It has DOUBLED in a matter of days.

Charlie McCarthy and I have received unsolicited emails from a Christine Hall, asking us if we were interested
in increasing the 'traffic' to the site. Lo and behold, before we have a chance to say yes/no the counter races
past the 4,000 mark . . . completely undermining the gentle pace on which the penny-a-click sponsorship operates.

I have written to Ms Hall and will let you know the outcome, if and when.

Sorry about posting up so many messages here. (Go on, it's your turn now).

Mar 17th 2002 at 07:03:20 AM


Mar 17th 2002 at 01:33:38 AM
NAME : Paul West

John Morton has given me a 20-page biography of Father (Bishop) Frank Walsh WF.
I am in the process of 'computerising' it for the website and wonder if anyone has got
any pictures of the great man (and of John Morton, of course).

Mar 15th 2002 at 03:21:33 AM
NAME : Michael Gallagher
I echo what Paul says about Peter Finn's book - I got my copy this week and it is an excellent piece of work.

Well done Peter.

Mar 14th 2002 at 12:02:56 PM
NAME : Paul West

A new book, written by Peter Finn, has recently been published by Hedera Books.
It tells the story of The Priory from the laying of the foundation stone in 1864 to its
replacement by a Catholic church, a park and housing in the 1990s.

More details about Peter's excellent book can be found in the NEWS section (under "Other News").

He's done a fantastic job for us all - so don't miss out - get a copy today!

Mar 11th 2002 at 12:29:08 PM
NAME : Paul West
By the weekend:

Look out for more fascinating pictures in Part 2 of The Gallery - this time from Pat Gritton, who has sent
me a copy of The Priory's 1988 "Sale By Private Treay", amongst other things. Also, Peter Finn's excellent
History of The Priory" is due out this week - details of which will be posted in the NEWS section.


Feb 24th 2002 at 02:33:53 AM
NAME : Paul West
THANKS Michael, Tony and Chris. I was able to spot my mistake because of you and the clever way you bypassed
my incorrect links. I will correct Pages 55+ when I return. (This is just a flying visit home). Sorry about the delay -
will contact each of you on the weekend.


Feb 13th 2002 at 02:35:23 AM
NAME : Paul West
Tony Smyth has sent us some great photos and which you can find in Part Two of the Gallery Section.
(Just click on Gallery, as before).

Thanks to people such as Michael Gallagher for sending in names and dates so that we can fill in the gaps.

Thanks for your patience - and keep an eye open for more regular updates from now on.

Looking forward to meeting more of you at The Priory Reunion which Eugene has organised.


Feb 9th 2002 at 04:05:29 PM
NAME : Tony Smyth (heard about you by accident)
Originally, Newcastle -upon-Tyne but now living in Ottawa, Canada.
So great to see so many old names and faces. Thank you, Paul and all involved. I have a number of photos from
my time with the White Fathers I will scan and e-mail in the near future. Meanwhile let me just say Hi to everyone,
especially those that might remember me and I will be visiting here on a regular basis from here on in.

Feb 9th 2002 at 01:09:10 PM
NAME : Eric Creaney
Below is a message from Fr. Chris at Rutherglen:|

"Hope you are well. Long time since we were in touch. I am wondering if you could advertise the following
talk to Scottish Pelicans and anyone else you think might be interested or support us. Peter Smith,
Provincial of the White Fathers, will give a talk on "A DIALOGUE WITH ISLAM"  at 8pm in St Bride's Church,
Cambuslang, on Wednesday February 13th at 8pm after the blessing and distribution of ashes at 7pm.

This is part of a series of talks organised by the Motherwell Missionary Awareness Agency of which we are
members and we would be grateful for all the support we can get.

Any further details can be obtained by telephoning myself - 0141 613 0209 or 0141 647 3800

Best wishes, Chris"

How about a good representation?


Jan 29th 2002 at 12:10:12 PM
NAME : Jim Connelly
I remember Pat "Albert" Shanahan,Vincent Bailey, Charlie Bingham, Eddie Brady and a few others whose
names escape me from my years at Blacklion and Broome Hall not forgetting BL Rector Fr Tom Dooley and
BH Novicemaster Fr Van Den Bosch.

Great to have found your site and rediscover past times.

Jan 28th 2002 at 01:02:57 PM
NAME : James Connelly
Just to exchange info. I was a White Father student at Blacklion 1959-1961 and Broome Hall 1961-1962 and Totteridge 1962

Jan 24th 2002 at 01:51:01 PM
NAME : Tom Canning (read about you in the White Fathers magazine)
Oakley Fife Scotland
This is my first time on the site.I was a WF student in 1967 and the photos of BH brought back lots of memories.
I would like more info on the Pelicans and if possible how to join.

Thanks again for the memories.

Your faithfully,

Jan 23rd 2002 at 11:35:55 AM
NAME : Paul West
A belated Happy New Year to you all. I must apologise for jumping ship in November without telling anyone.
I'm back now and keen to get things moving again. Already there are some additions to the NEWS
(from Eugene and Maurice) and the Appeals Section.

Look out for some great pictures of St Columba's and its locale sent in by Chris Benton. UPDATE will be updated
soon! you'll be pleased to know.


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